Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Salix Alba Caerulea Where Can I Buy A White Willow Tree?

Where can I buy a White Willow tree? - salix alba caerulea

Species: Salix alba

I know there are some who grow up in Ohio and Wisconsin, I do not know where to buy a baby tree.

Information about the company outside the U.S. were among the trees internationally would also be useful.

1 comment:

Tragic Kingdom said...

You can contact the nursery and see if I could buy them until pastures. Probably one could only speak for you to communicate with them. http://www.springmeadownursery.com/plant ...

This has also introduced, and said that people can buy trees from Barcham here: http://www.barchamonline.co.uk/ is the United Kingdom, but you did not call on the international level.

This is the best and I think it's http://www.willowaynurseries.com/avail.h in Ohio ...

4534 R & D Center.
Avon, OH 44,011
(440) 934-4435 (Address)

sales@willowaynurseries.com (Sales e-mail) rather sell willows for their benefit.

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