Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is It Better To Eat Oatmeal With Milk Or Water Is It Ok To Eat Oatmeal...?

Is it ok to eat oatmeal...? - is it better to eat oatmeal with milk or water

I felt terrible at any time during the day on Thursday ... I felt like vomiting. I went and drank water and felt better. Friday at 3 clock, I woke suddenly awake. I felt really sick. I stayed in the rest of the morning, because I feel guilty when I lie. I had some mild diarrhea (even something solid) during the morning. I was hungry, 7 and began to eat biscuits. It's Sunday morning now, and I only ate a few biscuits and cornflakes. I woke up and I felt great, my stomach as I finished eating does not feel really comfortable and my head was cause a little damage. All I had were a couple of crackers last night. I stood up, turned around, and feel hungry again. I am in my college dorm, so the food is very limited.
I have a cheap brand of crackers, a ripe banana, bread, whole grain oatmeal (without milk), cereal (without milk), whole grain bread in English, peanuts, salt and junk closet of my roommates. I do not know what tor eat. I'm not even worse today. RA is my birthday and wanted to do something small for them.

You can also from the Union University (buffet) and some food to eat, but I'm not sure what is there. They have bread and fruit ... to be watermelons? Perhaps you could provide a piece of white bread? It is assumed that the wheat is too much belly?

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